Update your mixnode the right way

By supermeia from TupiNymQuim

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Table of contents

  1. Context
    1. Goal
    2. Why does the routing score drop
    3. Solution overview
  2. Guide
    1. First time setup
      1. Clone mixnode
      2. Allow alternate ports
      3. Storing binaries
      4. Service files
    2. Updating
      1. Storing the updated binary
      2. Init mixnode
      3. Start and enable service
      4. Update wallet information
      5. Shut down outdated service
  3. Conclusion


If you’re here just for the step by step on how to update without dropping the routing score you can skip directly to the Guide.


Updating the mixnode is a very simple process but it has an undesired side effect of dropping the routing score of your node for a period of time. The aim of this guide is to provide you with a step by step guide on how to start updating your mixnode with a method that allows you to not drop your precious routing score.

Why does the routing score drop

The reason behind the routing score dropping is not confirmed (at least to my knowledge) but after some experience running mixnodes and observing their behavior. It has become clear to me that the drop in routing score is directly correlated to the process running the mixnode being reset. That means that if the process of your mixnode running is reset for any given reason (server shutdown, server reboot, manual interruption, etc.) the routing score of your mixnode will automatically start going down afterwards.

Solution overview

Q: So how does one update their mixnode without dropping the routing score?

A: Simply don’t stop the mixnode process!

In short, what we will do to avoid stopping the mixnode process is:


This guide assumes you have a mixnode already installed with systemd automation setup, if this is not your case you can see the official Nym docs for a guide on the installation and automation process.

If this is your first time using this method you will have to follow the steps on the First time setup section.

This guide was built with VPSes running on Ubuntu 20.04.

First time setup

Before starting to update without your routing score dropping you will need to do some initial setup.

Clone mixnode

To be able to run two mixnodes processes at the same time we will need to clone our mixnode.

We can do that by running the following command:

cp -rf $HOME/.nym/mixnodes/<DEFAULT> $HOME/.nym/mixnodes/<ALTERNATE>

Allow alternate ports

For the <ALTERNATE> mixnode to be able to run we will need to run it with different ports than the <DEFAULT> mixnode. And because of that we need to allow these alternate ports on our firewall.

We open these ports with the following command:

sudo ufw allow 1337,1338,1339/tcp

You can see the open ports by running:

sudo ufw status

Storing binaries

Since our mixnodes will be running on different binaries it’s a good idea to create a directory structure to store the binaries in an organized manner.

We can create the directories for our binaries with the following commands:

mkdir -p $HOME/binaries/<DEFAULT>
mkdir -p $HOME/binaries/<ALTERNATE>

With that we have a directory structure that looks like this:

└──── $HOME
    └── binaries
        ├── <DEFAULT>
        └── <ALTERNATE>

Service files

Now that we have a structure for storing the different binaries, we can create the service file for our <ALTERNATE> mixnode. This service file will be very similar to the one we have for our <DEFAULT> mixnode, we will only change the path on Execstart.

Create the following service file /etc/systemd/system/<ALTERNATE>.service and put this inside it:

Substitute <USER> by your username and <VERSION> by the version of the binary.

Description=Nym Mixnode <VERSION>

ExecStart=/home/<USER>/binaries/<ALTERNATE>/nym-mixnode run --id <ALTERNATE>


You should also change the <DEFAULT> mixnode service file to point to the new directory as well, but don’t reload the daemon just yet.

modify the service file /etc/systemd/system/<DEFAULT>.service to look like this:

Substitute <USER> by your username and <VERSION> by the version of the binary

Description=Nym Mixnode <VERSION>

ExecStart=/home/<USER>/binaries/<DEFAULT>/nym-mixnode run --id <DEFAULT>


With that, all of the setup steps are done and we can proceed to update our node without dropping the routing score.


In this section it will be assumed you will have done the setup presented in the previous section.

In this section 2 options of commands will be shown throughout:

If this is your first time using this method you will be following the steps labeled as “<DEFAULT> outdated”.

Storing the updated binary

If you don’t know how to get the binaries you can find instructions on the official Nym docs.

After you download or build the updated nym-mixnode binary you will need to move it to the corresponding directory:

Substitute <PATH_TO_UPDATED_BINARY> to the path where you downloaded or built the updated binary.

For <DEFAULT> outdated.

mv <PATH_TO_UPDATED_BINARY>/nym-mixnode $HOME/binaries/<ALTERNATE>/

For <ALTERNATE> outdated.

mv <PATH_TO_UPDATED_BINARY>/nym-mixnode $HOME/binaries/<DEFAULT>/

Init mixnode

Now you need to init the node with the new binary:

For <DEFAULT> outdated.

$HOME/binaries/<ALTERNATE>/nym-mixnode init --id <ALTERNATE> --host $(curl -4 https://ifconfig.me) --mix-port 1337 --verloc-port 1338 --http-api-port 1339

For <ALTERNATE> outdated.

$HOME/binaries/<DEFAULT>/nym-mixnode init --id <DEFAULT> --host $(curl -4 https://ifconfig.me)

Start and enable service

Now your mixnode is up to date and we need to get it running, we can do so by enabling and starting it’s service:

For <DEFAULT> outdated.

sudo systemctl enable <ALTERNATE>.service
sudo systemctl start <ALTERNATE>.service

For <ALTERNATE> outdated.

sudo systemctl enable <DEFAULT>.service
sudo systemctl start <DEFAULT>.service

You can check if the mixnode is running correctly with the following command:

For <DEFAULT> outdated.

systemctl status <ALTERNATE>.service

For <ALTERNATE> outdated.

systemctl status <DEFAULT>.service

Update wallet information

Now you need to update your mixnode ports and version on the wallet, so that the updated mixnode starts receiving packets.

In order to do this you need to open your wallet, click on Bonding and head to Node Settings: Bonding -> Node Settings.

On the node settings page you will need to update the fields accordingly:

For <DEFAULT> outdated.

Mix port = 1337
Verloc port = 1338
HTTP port = 1339
Version = new mixnode version

For <ALTERNATE> outdated.

Mix port = 1789
Verloc port = 1790
HTTP port = 8000
Version = new mixnode version

After this the updated mixnode will be the one receiving the packets.

Shut down outdated service

After waiting 1 hour from when you updated the ports on the wallet you can shutdown the service that is running the outdated mixnode:

The time interval is not yet thoroughly tested, but 1 hour should be a safe interval for your routing score not to drop. Further tests will be done to find the best time interval, it is believed that this will drop to arround 10 minutes.

For <DEFAULT> outdated.

sudo systemctl disable <DEFAULT>.service
sudo systemctl stop <DEFAULT>.service

For <ALTERNATE> outdated.

sudo systemctl disable <ALTERNATE>.service
sudo systemctl stop <ALTERNATE>.service

If this was the first time you updated with this method you should reload the daemon in order to register the changes we made on the <DEFAULT> service file. You can do so by running the following command:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

With this your mixnode is now running with the latest binary and it’s routing score has stayed intact.


If you have any contributions you would like to make, feel free to open a pull request or an issue on the github repository.

And if this was useful to you please consider supporting us by staking on one of the following mixnodes: